Great Communication: Having communication is essential part of team play, but having great communication that is dealing with nothing but the game is a whole different ball game.
Taking Responsibility: Mistakes are gonna be made, we are humans at the end of the day, but the importance of these mistakes is that we learn from them try to prevent them later on and also showing that you know the error of your actions.
Calmness and Coolness: Being calm and cool is one of the better choices to make in almost any situation. There is no need to get upset with your teammates when you both have the same enemy. If mistakes are made talk them over and devise a game plan to attempt to reduce the chance of it happening again.
Never Shoot Down Ideas: Having a game plan for every situation is difficult and not everyone will have an idea, but if someone has an idea it is better not to shoot it down and rather expand on it and build team work.
Never Leave: Abandoning a match not only makes you take a loss, but it gives of the perception that you do not want to lose or put the effort in to just take the loss on the chin. You win some, you lose some, but you never abandon the team.
Never Blame: One person is not responsible for a team winning just as one person is not responsible for a team losing. A team is a squad, and last time I checked squads win together and lose together.
Never Lose Confidence: This has to be the number one "Don't" on my list because of the importance it plays a role for your team, but also for yourself. If your team feels a lack of confidence from you it will affect the mindset of the rest of the team. For yourself, you might start making errors you know you should not make, but the lack of confidence has made it much tougher on you. Having high spirits and being positive about the most negative event you encounter will increase your level of fun you have in the game! The whole point of video games.
